Action Research

The purpose of the action research SIG is to provide a platform to advance the theory and practice of action research for the improvement of educational practice. Action research brings about positive change at individual, institutional and community level. For personal purposes, action research aims to foster development of self-knowledge, fulfilment, and professional awareness. Action research can be applied for staff development, for academics who seek to legitimise their role as knowledge contributors to the literature of educational research and theory.

Academics can develop action research networks for professional development. Through action research, academics seek to extend their research beyond the classroom and influence the social and institutional contexts of their workplace. By using action research, academics do not need analyses of their work dependent on outsiders but link their own educational theory and practice for improvement of practice. Action research also has a political social justice intent, aiming to make educational practices more humane and just – facilitating full participation of all those concerned in the research process through collective efforts to increase educational opportunities for all constituents. Typical issues addressed are gender, class, cultural equity and voice in education.

The Action Research SIG aims to build and grow a Community of Practice for likeminded scholars to connect, network and share best practices and challenges in the field and therefore encourages action researchers to join this SIG.

To join the SIG or for more information, contact the coordinator:

Dr Karen Venter
University of the Free State